Kai Greene is a vegan?


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Well according to this article at ksl it looks like he is! So far it looks like Kai Greene and Arnold Schwarzenegger are the 2 most popular vegan bodybuilders I know of. Do you know any others?

From ksl.com:

SALT LAKE CITY — The best-selling documentary of all time on iTunes hit the market late last year and has made waves in the health and fitness world. Who would have guessed that names like Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Cameron, Jackie Chan and Chris Paul would come together to make a movie about sports nutrition? But would it surprise you even more to learn that this documentary is all about eating more plants?

Don’t let that scare you away. “The Game Changers” is hands down the most compelling health documentary I have ever seen in my years in the health industry — so compelling that star athlete Kai Greene, one of the world’s top bodybuilders, cites the film as his primary reason for adopting what the film refers to as a plant-based diet.

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