Phil Heath

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From Phil Heath:

The fradulent, dishonest, low class federation called IFBB Elite Pro is using my image to try and confuse YOU the Fans in effort to get you to attend shows that I am clearly NOT AFFILIATED WITH. This is quite pathetic on their part as I am an IFBB PRO LEAGUE ATHLETE WHO COMPETES FOR THE HIGHEST AWARD IN BODYBUILDING THE MR OLYMPIA! You can tell how desperate they must be to try and swindle you the fans into thinking such garbage but I along with my fellow IFBB PRO LEAGUE Competitors, Judges, Promoters and other affiliates will continue to bring out the truth and keep bringing forth the greatest events in the WORLD!!! If you wanna be the best then there is no comparison so join the THE NPC and/or our affiliates to earn the highest respected Pro Status in the world, THE IFBB PRO LEAGUE where TRUE CHAMPIONS ARE MADE AND EARN YOUR PLACE AMONGST OUR INDUSTRY’s GREATEST ATHLETES!

Phil Heath Announcement

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